22 September 2009

Today We Made Spectacles of Ourselves!

Today is Wacky Wednesday! Everyone is wacky. We're raising money for Fred Hollow's foundation. It is for people in the Pacific Islands who can't see properly. We had funky hair styles and spunky glasses.

17 September 2009

Our Amazing Art

These are a few of our colourful ink and dye works. Have a look at the posts below to find out more about the process we undertook.

Learning About Hundertwasser

This term for visual art we looked at Hundertwasser's art works to give us ideas. He was German (his name means 100 drops of water). His drawings were messy but amazing. They were wonderfully colourful and crooked. His trees looked like swirly lollipops. Hundertwasser was also an architect who designed crooked houses and apartments. It is most interesting that he designed the Kawakawa toilets. They walls of the toilets are cracked and decorated. From the outside you can see wine bottles in the walls, and onion tops on the pillars.

Hundertwasser loved crooked lines. He said he cursed straight lines!

Our Rainbowland Art!

We're going to tell you about the final piece of art. First we drew our cityscape with pencil onto A3 paper. Next we outlined it with Vivid for the tiny details. After that we used Indian ink for the larger parts of the picture. The Indian ink would make them stand out on the wall. We had to be really careful not to let our sleeves touch the ink. We had to have the bottle hovering above the paper and do it slowly because we couldn't get it off if we made a mistake. We layed our work down to dry for a day. At last we dyed it. All the dyes were very colourful. The colours were blue, green, leaf gree, red, yellow, orange, and purple. They all looked awesome.

It was hard to get the dye in the right spot. -Emma

I thought the hardest part was the pencil drawing because our draft was small and we had to enlarge it for the final picture. -Millie

I thought the easiest part was the Vivid part because we just had to trace over to make it look like Indian ink. -Alfred

Summer snaps

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