30 November 2009

Our New Inventions!

We have been learning about advertising. The children have used lots of advertising tricks to sell new products that they have invented.
Caleb's Water Fair can be set up in your backyard. It's a fun water battle game.
Vincent's idea is a Hovercraft that is limited to a safe height and can slow itself down.

Sharon's invention is a hat that has a fan to cool you off.
Jackie's invention is a handy jet pack that can save you from hours in the traffic. Tina's invention is a robot dog that does any trick you want.
Cheralyn's idea is a helpful invention that will tell you the future.

17 November 2009

Dogs are Best

Only a fool would think that cats are the best pet, dogs are actually.

Firstly, everyone knows that dogs are better then any other pet in the world even fish aren’t because they just like swimming. Dogs are good swimmers too. They love going in the water and swimming is a sport they like.

Some people think that cats and other pets like fish, snakes and birds are best, but for a fact dogs are best because they can save you. They can help you if you're blind and can help you when you’re stuck or alert you to danger.

Dogs are very clever and playful. They can judge your feelings. Also, you can make them do tricks. When they want treats they will sit and beg by giving you their paw. They are so clever they have even been to space!

See what I mean? The real truth is that dogs are the coolest pet in the world. Dogs are the best pets, so buy one now.

16 November 2009

No Queen Today

This week we read Jill Eggleton's book, No Queen Today. The Queen in this story is tired of having everything done for her. She wants to wear regular clothes, cook her own food, and weed the palace gardens.

Leilani and Alfred wrote a letter to the Queen to try and persuade her to keep being the Queen.

Do you think their letter will convince her?

Dear Queen

We think you should stay being Queen. You should stay the same because we love you being our Queen and you are a very special woman.

We think you should let your gardeners do their jobs. You should stay inside warm and dry and not with mud in between your stubby toes or in your fingernails. Otherwise people will be fed up when you say, "Oh! I broke a nail... FIXXX IT!!!!"

We think you should not cook your own meals in the kitchen. Let your chefs cook your meals instead. You can have breakfast in bed whenever you want to.

We think you should wear your lovely Queen clothes because you look beautiful in them. You should relax while your maid digs out your clothes for you.

That is why we want you to enjoy being Queen. Even when you die you will still be our wonderful and caring Queen!

From Leilani and Alfred

Don't Litter

In Room 9 we've been learning about persuasive language. We've designed ads and written arguments. Here is Emma's argument about the problems caused by litter:

I believe littering is silly. Just because they can’t be bothered some people drop rubbish while they’re out walking, out their windows, and at the beach. We have rubbish bins to stop people from littering.

Firstly it’s polluting. People just drop there rubbish everywhere. There are plenty of rubbish bins around so people should put their rubbish in there. When people drop rubbish on sand it goes out to sea and the poor fish get sick. Also, oil spills from ships can make birds sick.

Secondly, people litter beside the plants, which can poison them. The plants need water and sunlight, not rubbish! When you drop your rubbish at a junk yard, the gas goes down into the soil which can make the plants die. Feed them water instead.

Thirdly litter makes animals sick. Goats come along and eat anything, which can make them sick up, which is not very nice for them. It can make other animals get tummy bugs and sea creatures choke.

There are a lot of people who drop their rubbish everywhere. Do you really think littering is the best thing to do? If you’re one of those litterers out there, you are very lazy. Watch where you are dropping your rubbish.

22 September 2009

Today We Made Spectacles of Ourselves!

Today is Wacky Wednesday! Everyone is wacky. We're raising money for Fred Hollow's foundation. It is for people in the Pacific Islands who can't see properly. We had funky hair styles and spunky glasses.

17 September 2009

Our Amazing Art

These are a few of our colourful ink and dye works. Have a look at the posts below to find out more about the process we undertook.

Learning About Hundertwasser

This term for visual art we looked at Hundertwasser's art works to give us ideas. He was German (his name means 100 drops of water). His drawings were messy but amazing. They were wonderfully colourful and crooked. His trees looked like swirly lollipops. Hundertwasser was also an architect who designed crooked houses and apartments. It is most interesting that he designed the Kawakawa toilets. They walls of the toilets are cracked and decorated. From the outside you can see wine bottles in the walls, and onion tops on the pillars.

Hundertwasser loved crooked lines. He said he cursed straight lines!

Our Rainbowland Art!

We're going to tell you about the final piece of art. First we drew our cityscape with pencil onto A3 paper. Next we outlined it with Vivid for the tiny details. After that we used Indian ink for the larger parts of the picture. The Indian ink would make them stand out on the wall. We had to be really careful not to let our sleeves touch the ink. We had to have the bottle hovering above the paper and do it slowly because we couldn't get it off if we made a mistake. We layed our work down to dry for a day. At last we dyed it. All the dyes were very colourful. The colours were blue, green, leaf gree, red, yellow, orange, and purple. They all looked awesome.

It was hard to get the dye in the right spot. -Emma

I thought the hardest part was the pencil drawing because our draft was small and we had to enlarge it for the final picture. -Millie

I thought the easiest part was the Vivid part because we just had to trace over to make it look like Indian ink. -Alfred

13 August 2009

Fog Poem

Angus wrote this poem during a wet morning tea time. He was inspired by two other poems about fog, including Carl Sandburg's poem which compares the fog to a a creeping cat.


Wrapping around you like a blanket,
Haunting people because it is a ghost.
With no colours, just plain white,
Blinding people.
Finally the fog goes away, leaving a sunny day.
The birds fly around, the bees come out of their hive,
And kids play outside all day.
No-one in the town is inside.

By Angus

Building Bridges

I liked the straw bridge the best because you could make it with more stuff than the popsicle bridge

It would have been easier if you could put the chairs more shorter then a A4 paper.

I learnt to work with other people not just with my friends in the activities in science & technology week.

23 July 2009

Bridges! Bridges! Bridges!

Here is our first brainstorm about bridges. We used wordle.net to present our ideas in a cool bundle.
Our bridges topic will combine science, technology, and social studies. Some of us have already started finding pictures of bridges at home. Under SNS Weblinks on DZone you can find lots of cool YouTube videos about bridges and other websites related to the topic.
Have a look!


Last term Mr Gordon recorded Room 9's thoughts about water. Press play on the video to listen.

Lost Taniwha!

Have a listen to the LOST advertisement that Jayden and Roy created with Mr Gordon. They have done a great job of describing the taniwha so that it can be spotted.

25 June 2009

We made a water object for art. The back ground was splatter. To do the border we dabbed on the paint from light to dark. In the middle I drew goggles on black paper we used crayon. We tried to colour light and dark.

Postcard from a Raindrop!

Dear everyone

It has been a long time since I have caught up with everyone and it is time to let you know what I have been up to!

I remember dropping down from the sky in a big rainstorm. Luckily I did not land on the road or on the windscreen of a passing car. Fortunately I landed in a rock pool off Browns Bay. It was interesting to have some of my other buddies join me in the rock pool. Then I saw children looking down on me and that’s all I remember before my next adventure.

During my time as a solid I remember first falling down from the sky as snow and landing on an iceberg! It was very boring on the iceberg as it was cold and I didn’t move anywhere for a long time! The last thing I remember was seeing this huge cruise ship coming towards me. It didn’t turn and I didn’t think it was going to stop - It didn’t see me. I remember seeing the words Titanic!

Then I was lucky enough to be famous and part of a science experiment at Sunnybrae Normal School. I was in a shaded puddle and I saw a another puddle in the sun when I tried to say “hi” it was too late! People from Room 9 came out and crowded around me and my buddies. The teacher got a green chalk and drew around me and my buddies. After that the teacher went to do the same to the others in the other puddle. That's all I remember.

A Drop of Water

Summer snaps

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