17 November 2009

Dogs are Best

Only a fool would think that cats are the best pet, dogs are actually.

Firstly, everyone knows that dogs are better then any other pet in the world even fish aren’t because they just like swimming. Dogs are good swimmers too. They love going in the water and swimming is a sport they like.

Some people think that cats and other pets like fish, snakes and birds are best, but for a fact dogs are best because they can save you. They can help you if you're blind and can help you when you’re stuck or alert you to danger.

Dogs are very clever and playful. They can judge your feelings. Also, you can make them do tricks. When they want treats they will sit and beg by giving you their paw. They are so clever they have even been to space!

See what I mean? The real truth is that dogs are the coolest pet in the world. Dogs are the best pets, so buy one now.

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