29 March 2009

More Learning From the Pacifica Experience

The necklace was hard to make. I had to ask a person for help and then I got the hang of it. -Angus

We learnt a dance. It was funny because we had to shake to one side. -Nina

At the Pacifica Centre we learned the different names for drums. The boys had to do crazy legs when we were dancing. -Deakyn

The weaving was fun and easy. We folded the flax across and then we folded the other side over. Millie asked me for help, and I only did two crosses for her. Then we went to the mama who used scissors to shred the ends. -Tina

At the Pacifica Centre we wove a necklace with flax. One of the people helped start mine. Then I did the rest. We did one bit at a time. My necklace is really cool. -Mariah

Seeing the umu was different to what I thought it was. It had bricks surrounding a hole. It was an unusual smell. - Alicia


  1. Rm9 is the best.we do lots of fun arts.

  2. I like room 9 because we do lots of fun things!!!

  3. It was hard to do the weaving.I had to get one one of the laddies to help me.In the end it turned out good.They all looked so cool!


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