26 March 2009

Our Pacifica Experience

At the Pacifica Centre we were asked to share at least one thing we had learned before we closed our eyes that night.

This is what we wanted to share:

With weaving we went in and out. At first I didn't get it, but then I did. It was a lot of fun. -Caleb

I learnt how to weave a necklace out of flax. I only did the middle piece. A Pacific Mama did the top and bottom. It was hard at first but in the end I figured it out. -Georgia

We did a dance and learned how to play the drums. When I did a Pacifica dance we did crazy legs and then we turned around while we were doing the crazy legs. -Keanu

Seeing a real umu is amazing! It looked like bricks made into an enormous pot, stuck into the ground. The food was wrapped in tinfoil so dirt wouldn't get in. When we ate it, it wasn't burnt, so YUM! -Sophie

The umu looked very interesting because I've never eaten one before. The food was wrapped in tinfoil. There was chicken, potato, bread with butter, carrots, and coleslaw. My best food was chicken. -Sian

With weaving we had to go in and out. I only did the start, middle, and end. -Alfred

1 comment:

  1. Belinda Goodsell - Caleb's MumMay 21, 2009 at 12:15 AM

    It seems like you all enjoyed the umu. We have had umu in Samoa and it is really yum. Caleb likes it better than hangi.


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